Sunday, January 30, 2011

Parachute 2011 Chapter 7-8


Negotiating your salary after a successful interview.

Bolles's first tip in chapter seven is to always discuss salary after the job has been offered, never discuss salary prior to that moment. The next piece of advice that I found interesting is to never be the first one to mention a salary figure. Bolles states that the first person who breaks this rule usually losses the negotiation. Another important rule is do your home work. Go out and gather as much information as possible on salaries for your desired position. It's best to be prepared with this information in the event your employer decides to low ball you with his or her first offer.

Chapter eight opens up with the topic of career testing and how career assessment test do not describe the individual rather it describes the family of people you pertain to. One of the things to remember while taking these online self assessment tests is to always keep in mind that these tests are all flawed in one way or another. When analyzing the results, you have to process the information as a suggestion or an opinion, nothing more. A career change starts with finding out what you want from a career. The biggest difference in obtaining a new career is passion and enthusiasm. The best career is a career that uses your best transferable skills. Do not go by your friend's suggestion when choosing a career. The best way to find out if a career suits you is by trying it out. One has to make up their own mind about a career, go out and ask people about careers that interest you, gather information on your own and decide for your self.


This exercise asks the reader to draw a picture of their ideal life. In the picture one has to draw your ideal location, the people you want in your life and a dream job. The exercise emphasizes that you use your imagination and not to allow reason to influence your drawing. When done with the drawing you will have a clue of where you need to aim your life towards. The exercise is simple and effective when done honestly..

1 comment:

  1. The part where you said, "The best way to find out if a career suits you is by trying it out" is probably the best advice I ever heard. It's so true becasue I've heard many people do this about their dream job and find out they disliked it. Leading them into another field. Searching the salary before hand has never occured to me. Thats a really good tip! Thanks for sharing.
